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Ryder cup

Capgemini y la Ryder Cup: la combinación perfecta

Nuestra asociación con la prestigiosa Ryder Cup, un primer paso trascendental en la historia del golf de Capgemini, refleja nuestro enfoque en construir y celebrar el talento, el espíritu de equipo y el alto rendimiento, todos los cuales están en el corazón de Capgemini y de la Ryder Cup.

Todos los golfistas estadounidenses y europeos buscan la oportunidad de competir en la Ryder Cup, y la edición de 2023 en Roma no será diferente. Para llevarse a casa el trofeo se requiere una preparación incansable, un enfoque agudo y constante y resiliencia mental a lo largo de este evento de tres días.

Al igual que estos atletas extraordinarios, sabemos que los resultados transformadores requieren una estrategia audaz, una ejecución impecable y el socio adecuado. El éxito requiere el enfoque perfecto.

Nuestros embajadores de marca, Edoardo Molinari y Steve Stricker, personifican esas cualidades. Bienvenidos a bordo a nuestros nuevos socios.

La combinación perfecta

Lo que se necesita para transformar la historia

Conoce a nuestros embajadores

Steve Stricker, US Vice Captain, 2023 Ryder Cup

Steve Stricker

Steve Stricker is a strong team player whose experience and strategic insight will undoubtedly benefit Team USA where he will serve as Vice Captain at the 2023 Ryder Cup.

A veteran PGA champion, Stricker has achieved 21 tour victories, including 12 on the PGA Tour, and five top-10 finishes at Majors during his distinguished career. His consistent play and tactical acumen has earned him an impressive 250 weeks in the Top 10 of the Official World Golf Ranking, reaching a high of #2. Stricker also captained Team USA to a record-setting victory in the most recent Ryder Cup at Whistling Straits.

This two-time Comeback Player of The Year will certainly be a huge influence in Rome. We look forward to working with him on and off the course to find the perfect approach.

Edoardo Molinari, Europe Vice Captain, 2023 Ryder Cup

Edoardo Molinari

Known for his consistency and mettle, Edoardo Molinari’s skill and data-driven knowledge of the game, will be key assets for Team Europe. Those same qualities make him a great fit for our team as well.

Molinari will be a Vice Captain of the 2023 Ryder Cup. He is a previous winner of the competition and an Italian legend – winning tournaments on four of the six continents on which golf is played. Molinari gained notoriety as a rising star during his distinguished amateur career, winning four national championships across the globe. 

His perfect approach, led by both his distance game and practical outlook, helped him become the first Italian to win the U.S. Amateur Championship.  We look forward to partnering with him to transform the game.

Más sobre la Ryder Cup

La Ryder Cup es una competición de golf bianual entre equipos de Europa y Estados Unidos.